Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Protective Order and Sanctions?

Here's my notification to Tony Cameron of the other side making initial contact with me through my journal with fax confirmation . If you go down to the Adams County Clerks office and get in to the file that my Mercantile Lawsuit is in, you'll see that the chat log is there. If it wasn't put there by Cameron, it would have to have been put in the file by opposing counsel.

This assures me in proving  that opposing counsel or the defendants were chatting with me during the suit. plus I have the other screen capture that I did at my computer that shows the time.gov clock in the scene during the conversation...

Duress was playing a role in all of this in regards to letting this out and what prompted me to write a letter to Judge Schuering.

Reporting legal misconduct is a duty to all. Especially when your lawyer is in on it with them.

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