Friday, December 29, 2023

Files Recovered

Because something happened a wile ago doesn't make it less true.

To keep them off of the web, I'll need a bunch of food stamps.

Lovelace V. Gibson

 "The prosecution is only interested in obtaining the conviction and not the truth."

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Lloyd Johnson

Judgement against Michael Curtis

When I talked to Lloyd, he stated that he would have to wait until Lee Lindsay Curtis died in order to claim his judgement.

Since she divorced him for being a cheating drug pimp, her estate is safe now from and garnishment.

Since  she was post wall, getting to know someone before you married them wasn't important.

Lloyd said that she (her legs) looked like a melted ice cream cone in her biker attire.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

scum sucking bottom dwellers


Rule 8.3(a) of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that "a lawyer possessing knowledge not otherwise protected as a confidence by these Rules or by law that another lawyer has committed a violation of Rule 8.4(a)(3) or (a)(4) shall report such knowledge to a tribunal or other authority empowered to investigate or act upon such violation." IL RPC Rule 8.3(a). Rule 8.4(a)(3) in turn forbids lawyers from committing criminal acts that reflect adversely on their trustworthiness, honesty, or fitness as an attorney, and Rule 8.4(a)(4) bars lawyers from engaging in conduct involving fraud, dishonesty, deceit, or misrepresentation. IL RPC Rule 8.4(a)(3) and (a)(4). Thus, lawyers have a duty to report unprivileged knowledge of another lawyer's professional misconduct. As In re Himmel, 125 Ill 2d 531, 533 NE2d 790, 127 Ill Dec 708 (Ill 1988), reh'g denied, 1989, and Skolnick v Altheimer, 191 Ill 2d 214, 730 NE2d 4, 246 Ill Dec 324 (Ill 2000), indicate, this duty is absolute.



Tuesday, September 19, 2023

How To SPOT EVIL PEOPLE Instantly....


This a lesson that I learned well before mike curtis and tony cameron came into the scene.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Police Railroad Citizens

Unless you have a "last name" in your city that guarantees you not to fail or get in trouble with the law. Law enforcement has your number. All they care about is filling the coffers.

Monday, May 15, 2023


Yeah, shitskamp is defending people that are clearly guilty.

Lovelace v. Gibson

Quincy Slumlords

Chris Bickhaus -Slumlord

Mike Bickhaus (Brother of Chris) - SRNM.Com Mercantile attorney

Say Something About Me Now!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Fraud Settlement (guilty)

Mercantile Bank Quincy, Il Fraud Settlement.

I told you so!

Looks like I'll be knocking some caskets over...

Two former officers of Quincy-based Mercantile Bancorp Inc. have agreed to pay penalties of $100,000 each to settle an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The news comes just a day after the Securities and Exchange Commission permanently barred the former heads of Mercantile Bancorp from serving as directors of publicly traded companies.

The ban is part of a resolution of a complaint filed by the SEC against former chief executive officer Ted Awerkamp and former chief financial officer Michael McGrath.

Each agreed to settle the complaint that accused them of fraud. Both agreed to pay a $100,000 fine in addition to the ban.

The SEC's lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court Central District of Illinois says that Awerkamp and McGrath reported that the bank earned $1.8 million in net income for three quarters of 2010 when it actually lost $3.5 million.

I also have many documents of payments made to shitskamp that were rubber stamped by  the corrupt trust department. 

Their lawyer was a board member at mercantile.

Now If you look at Mercantiles history, you'll know why the trust officers moved to first bankers TRUST in QUINCY, IL

History never fades.